In 2021, North Dakota’s Legislature and Governor’s Office worked to advance legislation intended to support and create loan opportunities for a broad spectrum of infrastructure needs. This included the creation of the Water Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund (WIRLF), and continued support of the Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund (IRLF). Both the WIRLF and IRLF are sourced in part from Legacy Fund principal through the newly created LILF, and previously existing loan funds. The following summary outlines these newly created opportunities.
Infrastructure Loan Funding Opportunities
Project sponsors who are seeking loans for water infrastructure through the Bank of North Dakota (BND) administered WIRLF or IRLF must first receive Commission approval. For WIRLF or IRLF requests, sponsors must provide a letter of verification from BND indicating the sponsor’s debt service capacity, and an explanation of the overall economic impact of the project as part of their request to the Commission.
Applications for WIRLF or IRLF loans are initiated through the WebGrants portal. For information related to applying through the WebGrants portal, click here. After receiving Commission approval to apply to BND for WIRLF or IRLF loans, sponsors must follow BND loan application requirements.