Cost-Share Program

Policy development and program application decisions related to DWR’s Cost-Share Program are the responsibility of the State Water Commission.

The State Water Commission has adopted a policy to support local sponsors in development of sustainable water-related projects in North Dakota. The policy reflects cost-share priorities and provides the basic requirements for all projects considered for prioritization during the agency’s budgeting process. Projects and studies that receive cost-share funding from DWR’s appropriated funds are consistent with the public interest. The State Water Commission values and relies on local sponsors and their participation to assure on-the-ground support for projects and prudent expenditure of funding for evaluations and project construction. It is the policy of the State Water Commission that only the items described in the policy are eligible for cost-share, unless specifically authorized by State Water Commission action.

Cost-Share Policy, Procedure, and General Requirements

Cost-Share Summary

Cost-Share Program Flyer

Updated 4/2024 Delineation of Costs (SFN 61801)

Apply For Cost-Share Using ND WebGrants

Funding for Infrastructure in North Dakota (FIND)

Tutorial Video - Learn about using WebGrants and applying through FIND here.

An application for cost-share is required in all cases and can be submitted by the local sponsor through North Dakota’s WebGrants portal. Sponsors seeking funding for water development projects through DWR’s Cost-Share Program should choose the “Funding for Infrastructure in North Dakota” (FIND) option/opportunity. To apply for funding through FIND, applicants must first establish a North Dakota login and account. Please Note - before you begin your application, make sure you have all required supplemental information ready/completed that is necessary to submit your application. See pages 6 and 7 of the Cost-Share Policy, Procedure, and General Requirements.

Establish a North Dakota Login

If applicants already have a North Dakota Login, they can access the WebGrants FIND portal and apply.

WebGrants Login Link

Applications for cost-share are accepted at any time, but applications received less than 45 days before a Water Commission meeting will not be considered at that meeting and will be held for consideration at a future meeting. Meeting dates are available on the DWR homepage.

Applications submitted to FIND via the WebGrants portal can be reviewed for eligibility through the following entities and programs.

Bank of North Dakota
  • Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund
  • Water Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund
Department of Environmental Quality
  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program
  • Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Program
Public Finance Authority
  • Capital Financing Program
Department of Water Resources
  • Cost-Share Program
  • Water Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund

If you have questions related to the WebGrants FIND portal or about the Cost-Share Program in general, please call (701) 328-4989 or e-mail DWR cost-share staff.


For more information on the Cost-Share Program, please contact the Planning & Education Division at (701) 328-4989, or e-mail.